ክቡር አምባሳደር ብርሃኑ ፀጋዬ በጅቡቲ ከሚኖሩ ኢትዮጵያዊያን እና ትውለደ-ኢትዮጵያዊያን ጋር ውይይት አደረጉ
ክቡር አምባሳደር ብርሃኑ ፀጋዬ በጅቡቲ ከሚኖሩ ኢትዮጵያዊያን እና ትውለደ-ኢትዮጵያዊያን ጋር በወቅታዊ ሀገራዊ ጉዳዮች ዙሪያ ውይይት አደረጉ በጅቡቲ የኢ.ፌ.ዲ. ሪ ኤምባሲ ልዩ መልዕክተኛ እና ባለሙሉ ስልጣን ክቡር አምባሳደር ብርሃኑ ፀጋዬ ነዋሪነታቸውን…
ክቡር አምባሳደር ብርሃኑ ፀጋዬ በጅቡቲ ከሚኖሩ ኢትዮጵያዊያን እና ትውለደ-ኢትዮጵያዊያን ጋር በወቅታዊ ሀገራዊ ጉዳዮች ዙሪያ ውይይት አደረጉ በጅቡቲ የኢ.ፌ.ዲ. ሪ ኤምባሲ ልዩ መልዕክተኛ እና ባለሙሉ ስልጣን ክቡር አምባሳደር ብርሃኑ ፀጋዬ ነዋሪነታቸውን…
As part of the three days long investment visit to Ethiopia, Djiboutian businessmen who are keen to invest in the country have made a visit to Kilinto, Bole Lemi and…
Prime Minister Abiy made a three-day working visit to Europe Prime Minister of the FDRE H.E. Abiy Ahmed…
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed held discussions with Members of the Pretoria Peace Accord Prime Minister of the FDRE H.E. Abiy Ahmed (PhD) convened the first face to face meeting with…
As the trade and investment between Ethiopia and Djibouti is on an upward trajectory, the inter connectivity in the Banking sector is fast growing. The Cooperative Bank of Oromia (COOP)…